The Silences

Directed by Margot Nash

New Zealand-born Margot Nash scrutinises the memories and mementoes of her childhood to understand the unhappiness of her parents, and the corrosive instability of the household from which she fled as a young woman in the early 70s.


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  • ★★★½ review by Chris Hormann on Letterboxd

    A personal story of family history and the relationship of children to their parents. Its specificity perhaps makes it less likely to engage on a universal level but it is a story well told with marvellous use of the family photo album to illustrate a moving through line.

  • ★★★½ review by Julian Philip Nevill on Letterboxd

    Highly personal, yet by the numbers documentary about Nash's parents and families upbringing.

    What makes it cinematically interesting is how she uses clips from her fiction movies to help understand and process her families past. 

    I wish the film was more of this.

  • ★★★½ review by n135479 on Letterboxd


  • ★★★½ review by gianella on Letterboxd

    At first, it didn't interest me because it was just Nash narrating over images and footage but I was really taken on a journey as she delved deeper into her life and her family's life. It's a deeply personal film dedicated to her mother and her older sister and it's amazing.

  • ★★★★ review by 👹Lieb Knecht on Letterboxd

    reminded me a lot of 'Stories We Tell' by Sarah Polley. fabulous use of photos and other functional films by Margot Nash to explain her family history.

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