Peace to Us in Our Dreams
Directed by Šarūnas Bartas and Sharunas Bartas
Starring Šarūnas Bartas, Lora Kmieliauskaite, Ina Marija Bartaité, Edvinas Goldsteinas and Giedrus Nakas
On a summer day, a man, his daughter and his companion arrive at their country house to spend the weekend. The daughter has just moved in with her father, whose attention she desires. The man is tired of his life, and does not know where to find the strength to carry on living. The woman, a violinist, is confused in her priorities - music, love or career. Despite the fact that the man and the woman love each other, their tense relationship is on the brink of collapse.
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★★★★ review by I. Flick on Letterboxd
Will rewatch soon but probably Bartas' best film since his debut. Abandoning genre experimentation and Tarr/Tarkovsky-ian worship, he goes for a similar transition into verbose Bergman-esque territory that Ceylan did in Winter Sleep although not quite as successfully. It's still a moving piece of familial drama that recalls the work of Tarkovsky in more than a few shots throughout. Also his daughter is total babe.
★★★½ review by alnaiiiif on Letterboxd
ماذا ينبغي ان افعل ؟
اتبعي احلامك فقط .. -
★★★★★ review by Gaby Floresm on Letterboxd
Español / English
"Todos nos preguntamos qué es real o si estamos locos; xq estamos limitados por nuestra percepción"
La hija menor mantiene una conversación con su padre, diciéndole que no sabe distinguir qué está bien y qué mal; si lo que ve es la realidad o se está volviendo loca. El padre le devuelve una respuesta filosófico existencial.La hija mayor está completamente lejana y no hay manera de acercarse a ella
Esta película Lituana es parecida a la rumana 4 lunas, 3 semanas y 2 días; en cuanto a tocar sin temor los temas más fuertes y retorcidos del ser humano.Hay que tener agallas para verla. Y si se tienen y no se espantan, entonces se enamoraran de esta peli. Y es que tiene belleza por todos lados: visualmente, la historia y el guión, el elenco, los paisajes, la foto, la ternura,
La sinceridad está sobre valorada. Ahora se debe ser sincero, no importa si es mal humor o buen humor, si vas a lastimar, si va a crear un problema; si no se dice se corre el riesgo de quedarnos sólo con nosotros y no distinguir qué es real y pensar que los demás son un estorbo.
Una película que además de entretener pertenece a un guionista que ha decidido reflexionar filosóficamente con el público y alimentar la cabeza. ¿Será esto una película intelectual?
"We all wonder what is real or if we're crazy, because we are limited by our perception"
The youngest daughter is having a conversation with his father, telling him not distinguish what is right and wrong; if what you see is real or are mindsick. The father returns an existential philosophical answer.
The eldest daughter is completely distant and no way to approach her.
This Lithuanian film is similar to Romanian four moons, 3 weeks and 2 days; as to play without any fear the twisted and strongest human subjects.
You need to have guts to see it. And if you are not scared, you will fall in love with this movie. it has beauty everywhere: Visually, the story and the script, the cast, landscapes, photo, tenderness,
H"onesty is overrated. Now you must be honest, no matter how bad mood or a good mood, if you're hurt, if you are creating a problem; if it is not said is a risk to stay with us and not only distinguish what is real and think that others are a hindrance"
A film that besides entertaining belongs to a writer who has decided to think philosophically with the public and feed head. Will this be an intellectual film? -
★★★½ review by Zefanya Simanjuntak on Letterboxd
Saruna bartas adalah salah satu legenda cineas di Hungaria.
Karya terbarunya ini menurut saya adalah film kesepian dengan bumbu melankolis yang sangat kental. flow dialogue film ini juga sangat tepat dimainkan oleh semua karakter.
contohnya, sarunas bartas sendiri yang berperan layaknya "Tuhan" yang memberikan wejangan ke semua pemeran. semua aksi yang dilakukannya juga memberi dia kesan tersebut, misalnya melihat kelakuan sang anak yang pergi ke hutan.
Mantaplah karya abang ini wkwkwk
★★★½ review by viro9 on Letterboxd
وجوه يملؤها الالم والخسارة.
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