UIO: Take me for a Ride

Starting her senior year in high school, Sara doesn't have many friends and is caught between an overbearing mother, and a more understanding father. With uneasiness at school and tension in the household, Sara escapes to smoke in a little alley alone – that is – until Andrea, a new classmate, arrives. A close friendship develops to all that can see, but behind closed doors, an intimate relationship unfolds, which, when discovered, throws everything into disarray.


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  • ★★★★★ review by J.P. Vitale on Letterboxd

    I don't understand the hate for this movie! It was brilliant. That being said these kinds of low budget, foreign coming of age dramas are my bread and butter and this is a particularly good one! Yes, its very glacially paced (re: slow) but in a very artful way.

    It's all very well done imho.

    Also, its only 65-minutes long but feels 90 lol.

    I don't mean that in a negative way, either. This movie is beautiful and artistic. It's very slow and drawn out and I love it.

    Great movie.

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