Petting Zoo

A story of love, sex and teen pregnancy in San Antonio, Texas. Petting Zoo is the portrait of a young woman coming into her own, in an environment that does not always present ideal circumstances.


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  • ★★★½ review by tenzin on Letterboxd

    Hell is a teenaged girl

  • ★★★★ review by Matthew Harris on Letterboxd

    A mature film dealing with teen pregnancy through a non-judgemental lens.

    This is much more of a character study than a plot driven movie, which gives each scene time to breath and be taken at a nice slow pace.

    The naturalistic dialogue and direction really help in grounding the movie. Devon Keller in the lead role is just great

  • ★★★½ review by cinemagazine on Letterboxd

    "De Texaanse Micah Magee, volgens Variety puttend uit persoonlijke ervaringen met het onderwerp tienerzwangerschap, is erin geslaagd om het simpel te houden; met een voortdurende focus op Layla, gespeeld door de onbekende Devon Keller, die niet meer nodig lijkt te hebben dan haar eigen ‘naturel’. Keller is de grote kracht van de film, die eerst geen richting lijkt te kiezen. Maar dan zijn we inmiddels als kijker zo aan Layla gehecht, dat haar lot ons roert. Wat haar ook mag overkomen."

  • ★★★★★ review by joey quehl on Letterboxd


  • ★★★½ review by Carlos Magalhães on Letterboxd

    Layla looks and speaks like a normal girl, with normal desires, doubts and frustrations in a defining moment of her life - which is how it should be like -, and although the ending is not that satisfying, this is an honest portrait of adolescence that doesn't need to be a moral statement.

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